VHS to DVD Converter

There are many ways to use a VHS to DVD converter. For many individuals, converting VHS to DVD is an important process because it enables them to have better access to their stored memories and helps to preserve the content recorded on VHS tapes.


The VHS format has been around since 1976. A competing format, Betamax was introduced in 1975. Many memories of important events such as weddings, baptisms, graduations, vacations, other family events, etc., are on VHS tapes. The problem today is tapes are degrading and some will need VHS repair.

Most VHS tapes have experienced poor storage and this accelerates the degradation of the tape and results in less time for action. Because blank VHS tapes are hard to find and new equipment is becoming scarce, the best option to preserve the memories recorded on this format is to digitize the video and when using a VHS to DVD converter, you are in fact digitizing the video. There are many ways of performing this task.

Copy VHS tapes to DVD is one way to preserve memories of past events such as birthdays, weddings, graduations, and more.

VHS to DVD Converter Options

VHS to DVD Recorder

One method is to use VHS to DVD recorders. These units contain a VHS player component and a DVD recorder component all in one single unit. To copy VHS tapes to DVD is a quite simple and straightforward process. 

Digital Camcorder Converter

Another VHS to DVD converter that can be used to copy VHS tapes to DVD is a digital camcorder. The VCR is connected to the digital camcorder and the camcorder then connected to the computer. Using appropriate capture software on the computer, the VHS video after digitization by the camcorder, can be made into a DVD. This method also allows the preservation of the VHS video in a different digital format other than DVD.

When using a VHS to DVD converter, video compression occurs or in other words some information is thrown out in the making of the DVD. This may or may not be visible in the final DVD product, but some people prefer not to compress the video and prefer not to make DVDs. If DVDs are not created, then much larger capacity files result and depending on the source material, the result may be of better quality. For many VHS tapes, it is debatable whether there would be an improvement because most VHS recordings are not of great quality. Nevertheless, this method of digitizing or converting VHS tapes does provide more flexibility in terms of a target end format.

External Converter Box or Video Capture Card

Another VHS to DVD converter option is an external digital conversion box instead of the digital camcorder or a quality video card installed in your computer. Both options provide the same sort of flexibility as discussed above for the digital camcorder method. You can convert VHS tapes to DVD or to a different digital format, either compressed or uncompressed.

Video Compact Disc or VCD

Instead of converting to DVD some individuals convert the VHS video to VCD or Video Compact Disc. However, as discussed at this convert VHS to CD page using the VCD format will result in digitized video that is of poorer quality than the original analog VHS videotape.

Signal Optimization

In any digitization or conversion process, whether from VHS tape or other video format, the quality of the video signal fed to the digitization device, whether it is a camcorder, a video card, or an external digitizing box, is very important. If feeding a poor signal to the digitization unit, then a poor-quality converted video or poor-quality DVD results. Therefore, it is important to optimize the video signal coming from the video cassette recorder and to use the right output/input connections in order to get the best possible signal for the digitization unit to work with.

Storage of Original VHS Tapes

A great advantage of digitization is easier access to the video content. Moving forward, it is the only real option for the preservation of the recorded video information, whether the decision is to copy VHS tapes to DVD or some other digital format. After using a VHS to DVD converter, it is generally a good idea to keep the originals. The reason is primarily because in the future a better method to digitize the video may become available. However, this is the choice of the holder of the originals and space availability, future availability of the playback equipment, value of the content, etc.; all are elements which factor into that decision. To store the tapes properly, the original VHS tapes should be properly wound prior to being stored long term. Storage should be in suitable storage containers and under the right temperature and relative humidity conditions.


Note that copying material that is copyrighted may be illegal and so you should ensure that digitizing VHS video even if it is only for personal use is permitted.




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